Paying for your visit

LBU Community Clinic’s services are not free. We request payment from patients in the form of a co-pay for those insurance plans that require it. For patients who are uninsured, we collect a fee for service that is based on a sliding scale, which is determined by income and family size according to Federal Poverty Level guidelines. Under no circumstances will patients requesting medical care be denied services based on inability to pay.

LBU accepts payment in the form of cash, check, credit card (Visa, MasterCard and Discover) or money order. You may pay at the time of service, or at any of LBU’s sites after services have been provided.

Make your online payment here:

You may also send payments in the mail to the LBU’s billing department at:

Los Barrios Unidos Community Clinic
Revenue Cycle Department
809 Singleton Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75212



If you have questions about billing or about a bill you received from LBU Community Clinic, please call the Revenue Cycle Department at (214) 571-6151.

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